Farmers Bank & Trust goes to great lengths to safeguard the security of your online banking. As our customer, we believe you also have a stake in securing that online relationship. Two factors are important to this security: Protection of the computer you use for online banking and the security practices you adopt while online. If you have not already done so, please consider implementing some of the following basic security steps.

Secure your computer to help prevent online threats:
  • Use the latest version of your operating system and web browsers, and keep security patches current
  • Be sure a firewall is active and anti-virus and security patches are installed and updated regularly
  • Perform online banking from a stand-alone computer that is not used for web browsing or email
  • Assume all your emails are read by other people
  • Open email attachments or links only from trusted sources
  • Only download software from trusted sources
  • Secure the online banking computer so that it is inaccessible after normal business hours
  • Use a pop-up blocker.  Do not click on links or buttons in pop-up advertisement windows
  • Limit administrative user rights to the PC to prevent inadvertent downloading of malware or other viruses
  • Adopt advanced security measures by working with consultants or dedicated IT staff
 Adopt online security practices to help protect confidential information from fraud & identity theft:
  • Use strong password construction principles
  • Never share your password with anyone or allow other employees to share
  • Avoid using automatic login features that save usernames and passwords for online banking
  • Never write your password down or store it online
  • Never use the “remember my ID and password” option on your computer
  • Use multiple usernames and passwords. (Keep online banking, social networks, and online shopping all separate)
  • Use your own computer when accessing online banking systems
  • Never leave your computer unattended during an online banking session
  • Conduct financial transactions only with trusted and secure sites
  • Always log off your online banking session and close your browser
  • Do not put your full birth date on your social networking profile
  • Provide continuous education to employees who use online banking systems; providing enhanced security awareness will help ensure employees understand the risks related to their duties 
Warning Signs of Potentially Compromised Computer Systems:
  • Inability to log into online banking
  • Dramatic loss of computer speed
  • Changes in the way things appear on the screen
  • Computer locks up so the user is unable to perform any functions
  • Unexpected rebooting or restarting of computer
  • Unexpected request for a one-time password in the middle of an online session
  • Unusual pop-up messages
  • New or unexpected toolbars and/or icons
  • Inability to shut down or restart the computer 
Visit the links below for more tips on safeguarding your information and what to do should you become a victim of identity theft: